
The cool look Guru

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Do NOT read this if you're 'old fashioned' in bed.

What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You...

"If You Don't Know How To Give A Woman At Least 3 Orgasms In One Lovemaking Session, She WILL Leave You For Another Man!"

Listen up,
If you're a man who has ever had a bad sexual experience, had a woman leave him for another man, and find yourself stck in a boring, sex-less relationship, then this may be the most important message you ever read!
I'm about to reveal something to you that you're not going to believe. But know this: It's all TRUE...

Here Are 4 UNDENIABLE And Disturbing Facts About Women:

FACT #1: 60% of Married Women will cheat on their husbands, and more disturbingly, the will feel absolutely NO GUILT about it whatsoever because they feel entitled to the good feelings sex with another man will give them.
FACT #2: A whopping 90% of women will LIE to their lover about experiencing orgasms during lovemaking to spare their lover's feelings. However, these same women are more prone to have affairs outside their relationship to be sexually satisfied and break their lover's heart in the process.
FACT #3: 70% of men report that after being married, sex with their wives goes down dramatically and sometimes even stops completely. This is usually because sex becomes "boring" or "routine" for the woman, and the man doesn't know how to re-kindle that flame with his same bog-of-tricks in bed.
Fact #4: 85% of relationships end because the woman is sexually unsatisfied with her partner and is looking for a man who can fullfill her needs in the bedroom. What's more, most men will never know this, and continue to suffer one break-up after another because they don't bother to improve their sexual prowess.

Giving you the ultimate PROVEN solution for all men,

Bio energy Rings
These sex toys are said to aid keep men’s erections for a longer period of time. Most rings are just placed at the base of his manhood but nowadays, they even come as a ‘set of rings’, where one is placed at the base of his penis, another is placed behind his jewels, and the other rings placed at different intervals of his erection.
Although it may ‘sound’ painful, men who’ve tried it say it’s very pleasurable. Furthermore, with the rings holding his erection up, and his partner performing oral sex at the tip of his manhood, many men swear they experience the best orgasms from such a ‘combo’.

So if you aren't the old fashioned man, ask me now for your bio energized energy ring.

Caring for your sex life,
Tanita A
Your Certified Sex Guru.

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