
The cool look Guru

Monday, October 18, 2010

“These 5 Shocking Myths About The Female Orgasm Are
Literally Ruining Your Sexual Life…”
Hi! My name is Tanita A.
First I want to thank you for taking the time to read my advice.
From now on, you are not alone anymore. I will not rest until you can please your lover with
most amazing orgasms she has ever had.
With that said… let´s get started.
In my field, the most common questions I'm asked seem to revolve around female orgasms. Men
want to know how to help their partners have orgasms.
Women want to know why they aren't able to have orgasms with their partners. Couples want to
know how they achieve simultaneous or multiple orgasms.
It's not surprising that orgasms are such a popular topic. Anyone who has ever experienced an
orgasm knows that they feel wonderful and create a feeling not easily duplicated by anything else,
particularly when they are achieved in a loving, committed relationship.
What is surprising is that so little is known about female orgasms. Both men and women come to
me with all kinds of misinformation about the subject. Others are completely lacking any kind of
information. They don't even know how to get started. Some are disillusioned or frustrated as a
result of repeated faked orgasms.
After all this time, I've decided it is time to educate more people about female orgasms.
Now, before you can begin learning anything new about any subject, you must usually un-learn
some of what you've been taught in the past. When that subject is female orgasms, that fact is even
more true.

For a long time, female orgasms have been misunderstood by both men and women and that has
brought us to a point where a sizable portion of sexually active women have never had an orgasm
and even more have never had an orgasm with their partner.
Both groups and their sexual partners are missing out on a wonderful experience, but before you
can begin learning the techniques which will generate that elusive orgasm you must first confront
some of the most common myths in our culture about female orgasms.
These 5 myths are literally ruining your sexual life. But after you understand that these are JUST
myths (and nothing else) you will finally know that it is possible to please a woman with
multiple orgasms every time.

Myth 1: Some women just can't have orgasms.While there are a percentage of women who have never had an orgasm, there is no evidence tosuggest some women are incapable of having orgasms. There are two reasons why some women
have not had orgasms in their lives.
The first is that for whatever reason they have never masturbated. Masturbation is often a woman's
first orgasm experience.
The second is that they simply are not receiving the proper type of genital stimulation. Clitoral
stimulation is needed by most women to have an orgasm. Without that stimulation, it most likely
isn't going to happen.
There are some women who have psychological blocks when it comes to experiencing sexual
pleasure. This may be the result of any number of past events in their lives, but even that does not
mean they are physically incapable of having an orgasm. If they worked through those problems,
they would be able to engage in orgasm-producing intercourse just like any other woman.
Myth 2: Women take longer to reach orgasm than men.
This is another common myth which has not been supported by research. The reason people believe
this is that they don't understand the female arousal pattern. Women's arousal patterns are much
different than men's and, as a result, they are physically prepared for intercourse later than men are.
The time from optimal arousal to orgasm is pretty much identical for both men and women. The
difference is in how long it takes to reach that level of arousal. Because men often don't know how
to help their partners get to that point, it does seem to take longer.
Once that's changed, however, men find their partners reach orgasm more quickly and even have
multiple orgasms in quick succession.

Myth 3: Women can reach orgasm more easily if her partner has a large
Men who have worried for eons about the size of their penis can relax. The truth is that size really
doesn't matter all that much. Since only the first two inches of a woman's vagina are sensitive to
stimulation, anything over that amount is kind of useful during intercourse, at least from the
woman's physical perspective.
In fact, when men are overly concerned with the size of their penis and whether it's sufficient, their
minds aren't focused on pleasuring their partner and that is no way to experience female orgasm.
A survey done by the Kinsey Institute found that the average size of an erect penis measured from
the tip to where it connects with the rest of the body is 6.16 inches in length. The girth of an erect
penis is 4.84 inches on average.
Both of these statistics are come as a surprise to men and to women who have been convinced by
our culture (and possibly pornographic movies and magazines) that the average size of an erect
penis is eight or nine inches. That same Kinsey study actually found that less than 2% of men have
penises which meet that requirement.
Remember whether a man's penis size is below, above, or just average, he still has the ability to help
his partner reach orgasm and that is far more worthy of praise than a few extra inches of penis.
Myth 4: There's nothing wrong with faking orgasms.
The majority of women sincerely believe this myth, but the truth is there is something very wrong
with faking orgasms.
First, faking an orgasm is a form of lying to your partner. The woman is telling him that he has
achieved something which she knows he has not. While that may make him happy or may make
him feel good about himself temporarily, in the long run any lie will hurt the relationship because it
will eventually be discovered. No matter how good our intentions lying during a relationship is
never going to make it stronger.

Second, women who fake orgasms because their partners are not helping them reach climax are
denying themselves pleasure wrongly. Faking orgasms not only interrupts a woman's enjoyment of
the actual intercourse, it also prevents the man from trying other ways to please her. From his
perspective, the sex is great.
The only way to have a mutually satisfying sexual and non-sexual relationship is through honesty.
Although problems in the bedroom can be hard to discuss, bringing them up and working through
them will strengthen the relationship and will make the sex better for both partners.
Myth 5: Women should only reach orgasm through vaginal
This is definitely not true but it's a myth that has caused us to take women's sexual needs for
granted for a long time. This myth actually started with Sigmund Freud, the developer of
psychoanalysis, who had recognized that women could easily reach orgasm through clitoral
stimulation. Freud dismissed this type of stimulation as juvenile and believed it was important for
women to become more sexually mature by focusing only on vaginal stimulation to reach orgasms.
The problem is that the vagina was not designed for orgasms. It does not have the concentrated
nerve endings that one finds in the clitoris or in the head of a penis, for example.
As a result of Freud's determination, women who could not reach orgasm through vaginal
intercourse were considered to have some type of psychological impairment. All sorts of methods
were devised in an attempt to “liberate” women from their reliance on the clitoris for sexual
Only in recent decades has society begun talking openly about the women's right to enjoy sex and to
reach orgasm in whatever manner worked for her.
Remember, much of what you may have known about female orgasms is not true. Only once you
move beyond these myths will you truly be able to reach that level yourself or help your partner
reach that level.

It is very difficult to give a woman an orgasm, or even multiple orgasms, without knowing the right
positions and techniques.
The most important first step you and your partner must take is to learn proven techniques and
positions, so that she can enjoy a mind-blowing orgasm every time.

I'll be sharing my knowledge daily. Please do follow me. I assure you a superb sex life.
Thank You very much.
Have a sensual day.

Tanita A.
Your Sex Guru.