
The cool look Guru

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Can I have the solution for a Powerful Manhood?

Hello Hunks!

You have no idea how good it feels to be back behind the
keyboard teaching and discussing a topic I love so much.

Thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to share
what I have spent years acquiring and sending me your
success stories, comments and questions!

Today's question is from Jumaat who writes...
Dear Tanita,

How can I have sex as many times as I
used to have 20 years back? I am 46
years old now, but my desire is the

Dear Jumaat,

That of course begs the question...

How many times did you have sex when you were twenty?

Sexual skills and capacities differ greatly from one man to

But I will go on the assumption that you had some pretty
good sexual stamina when you were in your twenties.

My first question to you is...

What kind of physical shape are you in?

Sex is a very aerobic activity and for most of us men
nearing our fourth decade and beyond we aren't near as
active as we once were and that my friends does have sexual

Now the nature of this post brings me dangerously close to
the medical opinion monster, so before I go any further,
nothing in this reply should be construed as medical

Before undertaking any suggestions or ideas presented here
one should first consult their medical doctor.

But seriously guys, if you're approaching your late thirties
and your heart beats like a hyperactive jackhammer going up
a flight of stairs, then that's going to have sexual

But issues of physical fitness aside, there are in fact two
very powerful reasons why some older folks can't make love
as long as they used to and believe it or not one of those
issues is an all too familiar concept in many of my postings...

Lack of Sexual Arousal and Proper State Control.

I will talk about the arousal issue first because most men
don't think about it like this.

But what I have learned is that for many older men especially,
being able to continuously make love like they did in their
twenties has a lot to do with how strong a level of arousal
they can  keep and maintain.

Generally I find that for older men, especially those who
are very well seasoned sexually, take more stimulation
to achieve the same level of physical
arousal they had in their twenties.

This is especially true in what Jumaat describes; notice he
said his desire is still the same.

Remember the orgasmic equation?

If not, it's high time for you to take the ultimate solution from me before you tell
sorry i think i need to go, when a woman has not cum!

Desire + Arousal = Orgasm
So one of the first keys to address is to make sure first
that you're in good physical shape and that your partner
knows how to keep you physically aroused and not just
emotionally fired up.

That means older men and women share something in common:
they need more Sexual Arousal in order to perform better.

Now of course there are numerous other reasons for lack of
performance but without being able to physically assess
a person's physical condition, its probably not too prudent
to discuss other approaches
in this format.

So let's talk about the other reason for an inability to
perform at the same level you did while you were younger...

Lack of state control!

Now, when I talk about state control, I am talking about one's emotional/mental state. Lack of state control in this
context usually translates to Hyper-arousal.

Now for those of you paying attention your mind may have
just come to a screeching halt as often happens when
reading my post.

The apparent contradiction probably sounds something like this...

"Wait a minute Tanita, you just said one of the reasons
most guys can't perform is due to a lack of arousal.

Now you're telling me that one of the reasons some guys
can't perform is due to hyper arousal?

Is that what you're trying to tell me?"


You see in addition to my background In Acupuncture and
Oriental Medicine.

I am a practicing sex/hypno-therapist.

I do a lot of performance enhancement work.

I work with athletes, business people and even guys who want
to be better at meeting and dating the opposite sex.

I also work with men suffering from "non organic male

You see, everyone has a certain level of physical arousal at
which they function at their best.

That level of arousal is unique to each individual and to
each particular activity.

The same level of arousal you need to play hockey or tennis
is different than the level of arousal you need to play

So you can think of arousal as being on a continuum that
starts at Zero, which means basically... you are dead and
going all the way up to ten... meaning you are completely
out of control.

Ever see someone completely lose control of themselves
either in fit of rage, blind panic, become a total spastic
or just plain vomit from nerves?

Welcome to the realm of hyper arousal!

Now the required level of arousal is unique to the
particular physical activity your involved in.

Believe it or not unless you are playing tackle for the
Miami Dolphins being at a level 8 or 9 on the arousal scale
is still a bit much for most physical activities...

Sex is a physical activity, but due to various reasons,
usually socialization issues, erroneous beliefs, bad
programming etc.

Most men come in to a sexual encounter way too high on the
arousal scale for their own good.

Can you guess what some of the symptoms of hyper arousal in
a sexual context are... you probably guessed it?

A. Impotence
B. Pre-mature ejaculation

Now like I mentioned earlier this is a huge topic and one
that is far too broad to fit into a small newsletter like
this one. But rest assured guys I have fixes
for these problems too!

Here is a very brief action plan that you
can use if you are suffering from this
kind of problem.

A. See Your Doctor---

Make sure there isn't anything organically wrong with your
plumbing first and foremost.

One of the oldest tests doctors used to use to asses whether
impotency was due to circulatory problems or not was called
the stamp test.

B. Determine whether you seem to fall into the poor physical
  fitness category or not. 

Get some form of cardiovascular exercise on a regular basis
that is enjoyable for you.

C. Have sex a lot---

I know this sounds kind  of funny but here is the deal.

If your suffering from hyper arousal form of lack of
performance you need consistent training and desensitization
and since most men operate from a scarcity mindset the more
sex you have the less rare (and therefore less over-powering)
the desire for it become the result... a decrease in arousal.

D. Practice Taoist Sexual Kung Fu Techniques

- There is one particular technique I like that can be done
  alone or with a partner it's called "Peaking" in some books.

This exercise is basically a masturbatory form of sexual
conditioning that eventually leads to men learning how to
have multiple orgasms.

But at this level of the game it's more important for you as
a tool to learn how to last longer in bed and keep your
erection longer and to desensitize yourself, thus taking you
out of hyper arousal.

But if you really want to have maximum arousal for both you
and your partner, you need to check out my special tools to help you.

Will update you guys on that soon.

Caring for your love life,
Tanita A.

About the G-Spot Orgasm…

Women can orgasm several different ways, via clitoral, vaginal, and of course the G-Spot, the latter can give her a massively satisfying orgasm if stimulated correctly.
Here we will look at how to find it and give your partner immense pleasure once you do!
Where is the G Spot?
The G-Spot is the area to target for maximum sexual arousal.
You will be able to help give added pleasure and a mind blowing climax to your partner if you can locate and stimulate it.
The G-Spot is essentially a bean shaped area of nerve tissue, located about halfway between the back of the pubic bone and the top of a woman’s cervix.
The size and location of the G-Spot will vary between women, but it usually lies about 1.5 to 3 inside the vagina.
This area inside the vagina has a different texture; it’s ridged, not smooth like the rest of the vagina, and when aroused has a spongy feel.
The G-Spot is not easily located. Sometimes even women have a hard time finding it and some don’t even believe it exists, but it does.
All you need to do is to locate it and arouse it and with a little trial and error between you and your partner you can.
Locating the G Spot
To explore and find the G spot, have your partner lie down, knees bent and feet flat on the floor or bed, with a pillow under her buttocks for comfort.
Insert your fingers into her vagina towards her navel. This will be between 1.5 to 3 inches inside the vagina to find the exact spot.
Press with the fingers against the front wall of the vagina. As it’s surrounded by tissue and deep in the vaginal wall, you will need to apply a little pressure. When you finally hit the right spot, it will swell the same way a penis does.
Slide your fingers from side to side. Have your partner tell you when you hit the right place and you she will know, as you will see the reaction when you hit it!
G Spot Technique
When you have found it move your fingers in even circles all around the inside of the vagina walls.
It generally feels best for her if you keep consistent, firm pressure along the entire length of the vaginal walls and use a steady rotational rhythm.
Stop rotating your fingers and rest your fingertips on the ridged area of the G Spot. Then move the fingers in and out and do rotational movements to keep hitting the spot.
Finding a rhythm is what you are looking for here; keep moving the fingers in and out and around constantly hitting the G Spot.
You can give your partner even more pleasure by licking her clitoris and stimulating her G-Spot at the same time, to give her an amazing climax.
Stimulating the G Spot to the level where it will ejaculate requires three components:
1.Time: Needs to be taken to work your partner up
2.Gentle attention: Listen to your partner and find out what gives her pleasure.
3.Tapping: Keep constantly tapping the G-spot while you are moving your fingers.
Penis stimulation
Penises curve and the ones that curve upwards are most likely to hit the G territory. However if your penis curves to the left or the right, all is not lost. There are options!
If your penis curves to the left, right or to the south, you can position yourself in such a way that your penis hits the spot i.e., you need to be in a position where your penis points north.
For example, if your penis curves to the side. You lie horizontally, she lies vertically and you gain the same impact and will be able to hit her G Spot.
If your penis curves downwards, place her on top of you but facing the other way, you will see her buttocks and then move to hit the G spot.
Other methods of stimulation
There are a number of adult toys such as vibrators etc that are designed to hit and stimulate the G Spot and the huge variety out there means there is one for every women.
The G Spot is there in women all you have to do is find it and stimulate it to give your partner huge pleasure.
There is a lot of mystique related to the spot but to find the G spot and give your partner pleasure is really all about communication.
She will be able to guide you, all you need to do is follow her instructions have patience and find out what’s right for her.
If you do, you will add another dimension to your relationship and your partner will be very grateful for your effort!
Your sex Guru,
Tanita A
Love all Serve all.