
The cool look Guru

Saturday, November 13, 2010

power service NOW

Dear all powerpack users..
powerpack is available from power service gal 

immediate service given to all powerpack users
do not wait!!!!
hurry as it is only for a limited period
and 1st come 1st served


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Powergals for Power users avail now

Tanita once again my frens...

I have seen the requests made by many for powergals..
This is a reply to the mails and smses...

Powergal will be available for meetups after 6pm daily.
This service is only for Powerpack users and not for outsiders.

No claims for outside dealings will be entertained.
Do not waste your time and effort on asking powergal
without powerpack.
As said, power pack is avail at $100 only.

For powergal pls contact the given no to all powerpack users.
thank you

Fresh new breed available.
Tanita A
83620386 for powerpack.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

“ You’re Just Minutes Away
From Attaining A 
Lifetime Of  Perfect, 
Unstoppable SEX Health... ”

" Never Felt This Great In My Entire Life! "

The Powerpack is definitely a miracle, 
because in under 40 mins of taking
a single powerpack sachet, and implementing 
the techniques taught within it, I actually 
had a super thick and longer Manhood! 
Sure, I had the usual fear, but the fear, 
the lethargy, the wheezing coughing in 5 mins...
had disappeared. Now this is what
I call The Secret of 
cumming late as said by Tanita! 
I thought it might
have been a fluke, so I waited a couple
more days to see if it still True.
A week passed, and I was feeling fit 
as a fiddle! I had more energy than usual, 
and I didn’t know what I should do. 
This is completely what I 
underwent, Tanita.  I had never felt 
this great in my entire life!
- Samsullah Mohd, 45.

“So How Much Is 
Secret of cumming LATE
To Cost Me, Tanita?”

I can tell you the cost of NOT getting
Secret of cumming LATE
If you don’t act now, and decide to take a chance 
with how you’ve been living your life all this while, 
then rest assured that the cost you’d incur would 
be your health.
Or worse, your very own
SEX life.
Would you really be willing to risk your own well-being, 
your own SEX life, on the basis of ignorance and the often
heard excuse of “hoping for the best”?
If you’re concerned about your SEX health, you wouldn’t give
a second thought to paying exorbitant amounts for 
guaranteed lifelong health and vitality.
The good news is, I’m not going to force you to pay 
a ridiculous amount of money just so you can have 
access to Secret of cumming LATE.
For those of you who know me, you’d know that
I’m really here to help you the best I can.
Which is why I’m offering 
 Secret of cumming LATE 
 at the affordable price of $197 $97 $48 ONLY
for a Limited Period of time!!!

Call me NOW for a NO RISK TRIAL
the Secret of cumming Late

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Stop jerking and start Power Pumping!

If You're Sick & Tired Of Being Ignored, Rejected And "Flaked Out", Tearing Your Hair Out Over Erratic, Unpredictable Behavior Of Singaporean Women, You Are Not Alone.
**Warning!**  9 Out Of 10 Guys Who Go After  Local Women WILL Get Shot Down, Rejected And Fail -- Will YOU Be One Of Them?
 You know you need help, you want answers & you want them fast!
  This is designed to help men overcome the same cultural psychological issues that hold MEN back from success with these women for many years… the very personal stuff that doesn’t just “disappear” on its own… and can affect you your entire life unless you take action to get rid of it.

"Always be prepared". Always. Of course you'll need this to follow through as you bring her back to your pad to ROCK her world. This "only done for you" PowerPack will show you:
  • How to give your lover incredible pleasure and mind-blowing orgasms for hours on end... every single time!
  • How to start an all-day foreplay maneuver even while you're miles apart. (When you do meet at the end of the day, expect major fireworks and explosions!)
  • How to last longer and stay firmer so you can make love all night long!
    +6583620386 for powerpack 
    I bet you love this position
Guaranteed To Work On Any Woman... ANYWHERE In The World.
You'll Go Inside Her Head, Know Exactly What She Wants ALL The Time: The Smartest, Fastest Way To Make Her Fall MADLY In Love With You.

 With Powerpack...
You’ll Feel Like A God Around  Women... 
You'll Know Exactly What She Wants...  
When  She Wants It!

you want to touch yourself?
 +6583620386 for Powerpack Now!
You can do everything above – plus much more – because you'll know  
exactly what she's thinking, at all times. You'll know exactly what's in her 
mind, you'll know exactly what she wants, you'll easily decode her 
“woman speak,” until her private thoughts come through clear and strong,
like a cell phone signal from the top of a mountain.
      Best of all, you'll be able to do it with minimal effort, minimal time 
and MAXIMUM efficiency.
      Now, that's what we call... Power!
... And If That's Not Enough..
Now don't get me wrong: I'm not telling you this to brag, or boast,
but to make a point:       I know what I'm talking about... and I'm 
damn sure what I'm sharing with you will BLOW you away!
How To "Nail Down" And KEEP 
Woman You Want - Without Years
Of Trial & Error, Rejection AND Frustration...
This is the astonishing PowerPack!! 
i love it from the back

Guaranteed To Work On  Any Woman... ANYWHERE In The World.

"Serves Up To Help Unleash The Mack In All Of Us..."
                        ~Jai Victor, 26.

"It Is An Explosion Of Fresh Ideas, Clever Techniques, 
And A Very Unique Twist..."
"I've seen a number of pages in this topic,
a lot of which tend to recycle the same information. 
This is the missing link all this while! It is 
an explosion of fresh ideas, clever techniques,
and a very unique twist.
This provides an incredible understanding of 
the power of Manhood and how to quickly create 
the MOOD and ultimately get what you want. 
Satisfied 100% and will continue using the 
- Danny Lim, 35.
+6583620386-For Powerpack call me.

"It Allows Men To Approach And Communicate
With Women 
With Confidence, Decency, And Style, Without Allowing 
Themselves To Be Compromised, Or Victimized, By The
Current Feminized Expectations Of Manhood..."
"It's way better than I ever imagined it would be.
I invested my $100 with skepticism, I'm now your
loyal apprentice. Love Making carries weight into
all aspects of your life. I wish someone had given
this when I was younger; it would've saved me many
years of mostly unsuccessful relationships with the
opposite sex. Highly recommended."
~~ Abdul Rahman, 46.
Powerpack for extreme intimacy

 +6583620386-Sms me now for your Powerpack

"I've Used Them And completely Satisfied with Tanita's 
recommendations. And Of Course You Have To Go with the
Flow to gain the Max results. These tools are simple to use and
fully effective for ME.
The biggest nugget I got out the Powerpack
was the AmRing FREE!!! I'm in the advanced
level of SEX now. I'd recommend anyone who's
looking for NEW and effective method to follow
, follow and follow Tanita in a new style of
Love making techniques."
~~ Shah Mohd, 31.

"I Have Tried many stuff On The Market And This Is The
First To Make The Gradual Transition From Basics To 
Advanced, Without Being Nasty to my HEALTH..."
"Grab this powerpack for a no regrets session!

Satisfaction in a small pack and small price"
~~ Tamilarasan, 39.
Available for you now!!-+6583620386, Tanita.

I know that this sounds a little "hard to believe", but the undeniable
"success stories" and results for those who have used it don't lie.
I admit, they are unusual and they are contrarian but they are
also universally applicable to any "dead-duck" impossible 
situation you are in right now.
Plus... Get Your Hands on My
Additional Bonus, AMRING
(Worth $42)... ***Free!***
The whole process is instant and you'll receive all your 
"But What Kind Of HEFTY  Price
Should This Go For?"
      Good question.
      ... I've thought about this for a long time... and this is what 
I've finally decided to do.
      I want the energy in this POWERPACK to be the most intense,
most powerful, and most transforming… of any HELP I’ve ever done.
And it WILL be…

      So, in order to make sure that as many guys as possible can afford 

to make it, you'll get to use the power tools at a
RIDICULOUSLY low level of only $197 $137 $88 
Call ME now @+6583620386
Do not just jerk! Jerk with Powerpack!!

***Please be warned***: If you come back LATER, or even
NEXT WEEK, and the special price and bonus package is gone
, and the price goes back up to $137 OR $197, 
there's absolutely nothing I can do...
      I really want you to be as confident as I am about these
powerful secrets... and use them to change your entire social &
sex life as they have mine. But if you're still skeptical, then 
once again, here's my...

Either ways, you'll still come out a winner... If you don't absolutely
LOVE everything you get, let ME know and you'll instantly get a
full refund within the next 60 days -- you can keep EVERYTHING.
That's right, you don't need to send anything back! No questions, 
and no hassles, and get back all your money. So no matter what,
you'll still come out ahead. How else could you possibly lose?

Tanita A. 
Live for Pleasure
Please bookmark my Love page

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Collect Your FREE Gifts please!!

Dear all...

This is THE time YOU have been WAITING for!!!
I would love to offer YOU good stuff
as part of my Love....

I am sure YOU are looking at my page for some kindda 
help in a way or another.

What else am I doing here if my intention 
is not to help YOU???

It's so easy to get everything when we are PREPARED
for anything.


Here's how we can make it happen as we help
each other :

First: I will match dollar to dollar worth 
OF whatever quantity YOU get to
Move UP the Mountain. (up to $200.00ea)

Second: For whatever POWERPACK you get from me, you can
have my ALL NEW AMRING absolutely FREE.
And to add to it,
"How to Use the POWERPACK effectively on anyone?"
This is a guide which I charge $150.00 with consultation.
I'll be sharing this knowledge FREE also.


It contains info which I have never revealed to THE public before.

As you can see, this is a win-win.

Actually, it's a win-win-win-win.

Your Win: You get the ALL New
AMRING for FREE, as well as the satisfaction of 
knowing you are beating any man to it in bed.
Women will finally agree to whatever you ask for as 
you have given them their most intense orgasm!!!
The much acclaimed Powerpack is Yours
for a mere 100.00 Only.

Women's Win: Move the Mountain through the valley
and women will beg you for more!! They will do anything
needed in bed to keep enjoying your great work.
Powerpack worth 290.00 is yours Now
for a  measly 100 bucks Only.

The People's Win: The much needed people who are looking for 
extra GIFTS as they cannot afford much will be able to get
that from me. This could be for YOU also!!!
A small sum of hundred dollars will Go a long way for 

And me?

My win: I get to know I'm helping you (with the
new Special FREE Gifts), as well as helping people
struggling (with the matching GIFTS.) I'll earn my monthly
check as usual. I'll happily feed all the info You Guys need.
I'll also earn some more "Good Karma" points. :)

But let me give you one final really hard-hitting
reason to give today:

Giving is one of the secrets for tapping into abundance.
The window you create by giving is the same window you
will receive wealth through. Give more to make a bigger
window to receive more.

Give PowerPack to help yourself and others.

Your LOVE Guru,
Tanita A
P.S - Give more in use value than the cash you collect;
You add to the value of the world!!!- SIR WALLACE